2024 UPGM
Board of Directors
The UPGM Board of Directors is a dedicated group of individuals- former host families, teens and supporters- who so believe in the aims of the Project that we remain committed to ensure its success and viability for years to come.
Some are new- some have volunteered for many years- and some have been a part of the Ulster Project
since the very beginning!
Feel free to contact any one of us with questions, suggestions or just to chat about our role in the Project!

UPGM Board President
Kevin and his family have been active with the project since 2012 and have hosted two students. In 2018 their daughter served as one of the counselors for the project and their family hosted her Northern Irish counterpart. Kevin currently serves as the dean of All Saints’ (Episcopal) Cathedral in Milwaukee. He joined the board in 2019 with an interest in helping recruit more Protestant families for the project.

UPGM Board Vice-President
Karen is a long time Board member and was a host parent in 2010. She's a past co-President with her husband Fred, and is currently serving as Vice-President. She is a past co-Chair of Discover YOUR Irish and coordinated all efforts pertaining to the 2019 Ulster Project International Conference, hosted by UPGM in August of 2019.

Director Emeritus
Jim is one of the original members of the group that made the Ulster Project in Milwaukee and across the US possible! He's been involved since the very beginning, 1981!, and has served on the board for just as long; President, International Steering Committee... you name it!

Bart is one of two members of our Board, joining in 2024. The Bohne's served as a UPGM host family in the Summer of 2024.

Patti is the second of our two new members of the Board, joining in 2024. The Bohne's served as a UPGM host family in the Summer of 2024.

Bonni joined the Board in 2020 and served as a UPGM host several times. Prior to joining our team as a Board member, Bonni and her husband Jonathan ensured that Discover Your Irish never, ever ran out of libations!
She now serves as the Chair of DYI.

Tawnya joined the Board in 2021 and has also served as a UPGM host several times. Her professional experience in global communications and cultural competency makes her a perfect fit for the Project!

Deana Gillespie joined the Board in 2022 and served as a UPGM host family in 2015 and 2018.
She has also volunteered for several years at Discover Your Irish Night in various roles.

Susie is crucial in helping to coordinate Host Family activities, including teen selection and oversight during the summer weeks where Belfast teens are hosted in Milwaukee. She joined the board in 2018 and was a host family parent in 2016.

Karen is another long time Board member and UPGM supporter! She's been a host family parent, member of the Discovery Team, curriculum coordinator, past co-president and unofficial Board historian- an apt role for someone who has been involved in the UPGM Board since 1990!

Carrie joined the Board in 2022 and has served as a UPGM host family two times- once in 2018 and again in 2024.
She has also volunteered for several years throughout the years for the Project.

Teri has been a board member since 2013 and is past host family mom. Besides serving as Board Secretary, she is integral in volunteer efforts and Discovery curriculum development.

Scott has also been a board member since 2013 and is a past host family dad. He's heavily involved in communications and web data, and coordinates our email efforts.

Karyn joined the Board in 2021 and has been a part of the UPGM for several years. A long time volunteer, Karyn will now take on the Chair duties on the Project's Activities Committee, ensuring that UP goals, service and fun are equally valued each and every Project year.

Ginney has been an important presence in many aspects of the Project, ranging from music to Discovery to curriculum and well beyond. She's a former host parent and has also hosted THREE counselors!
Ginney served as VP of the Board from 2017-2021, and was chair of the Worship committee for 13 years. She's been a Board member since 2010.

Kevin is a 3 time host parent; 2010, 2013 and 2016- a year that saw his 2010 son serve as counselor. He is the most recent past Board President, serving from 2017 to 2021, and was very proud to be a part of making the 2019 International Conference in Milwaukee not only successful, but memorable. Kevin has been on the Board since 2014.

Dr. Laura is a former host parent and now a veteran Board member, joining our group in 2017. She helps oversee any issues related to health during the weeks of the actual Project.

Colleen wears many hats! She recently served as Host Family Coordinator and represents UPGM on the UP International Steering Committee. She's a former host parent and interfaces with UPGM families not only during the month of the Project, but keeps in touch with them well beyond their participatory summer!
Colleen has been on the UPGM Board since 2012.

Mike is another long-time Board member, serving an extended stint as Board Treasurer. He's a two-time former host parent and also helps coordinate many of our legal and logistical obligations, including by-laws. Mike has been on the Board since 2009.