The Project began in 1975 by the Reverend Kerry Waterstone with two churches (1 Catholic and 1 Protestant) in Manchester, Connecticut. The Ulster Project of Greater Milwaukee began in 1979 and we look forward to celebrating our 37th year in 2016.
The original guidelines for the Project focused on the prejudices and stereotypes which were the root cause of the bitter strife labeled Catholic/Protestant in Northern Ireland. Today, the Project guidelines continue to focus on breaking down prejudices and stereotypes, including those based on race, religion and ethnicity by providing teens that demonstrate leadership potential with the tools to promote tolerance and respect across the lines that divide us and creating unity amidst diversity.
Milwaukee is one of around a dozen American locations that participate in the Ulster Project and is one of five locations that host teens from Belfast. The balance of the American cities host teens from the following cities in Northern Ireland: Derry/Londonderry, Omagh, Eniskillen, Portadown, and Castlederg.
To promote reconciliation between Northern Irish Catholic and Protestants by fostering tolerance, understanding and friendship among future leaders.
To present a program that brings Northern Irish teens of differing Christian faiths together in a strife-free atmosphere that emphasizes acceptance of all people, regardless of creed.
To educate and encourage persons, particularly supporters, community members, and American host families to appreciate their roles as peacemakers and mediators and to understand the purposes of Ulster Project.
To encourage Northern Irish leaders and clergy involved in the program to continue to foster the spirit of Ulster Project among the Northern Irish participants following each program.
To promote a spirit of community and commitment among American Ulster Project participants