Thank you for your interest in donating to our Discover YOUR Irish Event!
Donated items are the lifeblood of our most important fundraising event!
Your generous donation makes all the difference in the world in ensuring we meet our financial obligations associated with continuing to make the Ulster Project possible.
From organizing the Project each summer to recruiting teens to events to counselors and Discovery Leadership to contributing to the costs associated with traveling and welcoming over a dozen Northern Irish teens and counselors each year... your donation, whether financial or in goods or services, allows us to make this AMAZING experience happen!
Discover YOUR Irish is looking for donations of new goods that are attractive and exciting to bidders, as well as services and unique 'experiences'.
Examples of Desired Donations:
*Gift Cards/Certificates
(Amazon, Apple, Best Buy, Clothes or Home Improvement Stores, Nice Restaurants)
*New Technology
(AirPods, Gaming Systems, etc.)
*Sports or Event Tickets
(Brewers/Bucks/Marquette/UW games, with parking if possible, Theater Tickets, Six Flags)
*Vacation Properties
(Perhaps you have a Lake Home you'd be willing to 'share' for a week or long weekend to a fellow
UPGM supporting family?)
(A Pie a Month, You catering a Backyard Picnic, a Family Meal you host at your home, Homemade Soup for a Year)
Experiences are VERY popular, unique and something that quite personal!
We'll be HAPPY to discuss your donation plans or ideas- pick up the items if you wish!- whatever makes it easier for you to donate!
Please contact our DYI Coordinator to start the conversation or to arrange the pickup of your donation- and THANK YOU!
click on the green box to get started!